Dip Points
Customer Rewards Program
How it works:
• Sign up and create a customer profile on Dipyourcar.com • Every dollar you spend on products at Dipyourcar.com will earn you DIP POINTS • DIP POINTS can be used toward future purchases, either partial or full amounts. • All products on Dipyourcar.com are included in the program• Login to your customer profile to track your DIP POINTS balance • If you're an existing customer with a Dip Point balance from the old DipYourCar.com website, all you need to do is create a new customer account on this website using the same email address. Your old account balance will be transferred over automatically. Earning
• Every $1.00 spent will earn you 1 DIP POINT • 1 DIP POINTS = $0.10 and 10 DIP POINTS = $1.00 Dip Points cannot be traded for cash or currency. They can only be used towards future orders on www.dipyourcar.com. Dip Points cannot be combined with any additional coupon codes. Orders need to be placed and in processed status to earn Dip Points. If order is failed, cancelled or refunded, points are revoked. Points are not earned on orders placed during the time of any sales. Customer loses points from account once points are spent. Points do not expire. Points cannot be traded or transferred between custom profiles. Customer must create account on www.dipyourcar.com in order to partake in the Dip Points Rewards program. Dip Your Car LLC reserves the right to change or cancel the DIP POINTS Program if deemed necessary by Dipyourcar.com LLC. DYC Installers and Resellers are excluded from the program. Points are only used towards Product cost, not shipping or any other costs. All Dip Points Rewards are suspended during sales. |